If you've been searching for the most positive and effective way to train your dog or puppy, then look no further! I’ve developed proven, science-backed reward based training methods that represent the most progressive approach to positive reinforcement dog training available today.


Let’s start now!

Starting the program early allows you to learn strategies for housebreaking, puppy-proofing your home, keeping your puppy safe, and other day-to-day challenges before they become problems. Being proactive is the first and most important step in achieving success.

Canine Separation AnxietyAfraid to leave your dog alone for fear of what will happen? We've developed a ground-breaking behavior modification training that cures separation anxiety in dogs.

Training we’ll cover…

It’s important to get started right away! Together we’ll work on Potty Training, Crate Training, Walking Techniques and training your new best friend wants to learn.

Dogs That Bark & Lunge On LeashDoes your dog bark and lunge at other dogs or people on walks? You're not alone! It's the most common dog behavior problem that dog parents face living in dense urban areas.

Leash Pulling?

Does your dog pull on the leash? Do you feel like your dog is walking you? Together we can work on training techniques to correct this behavior.

Training For Aggressive DogsDogs displaying signs of aggression are often acting out natural drives rooted in fear, protectiveness or possessiveness that can be modified using science-based techniques.

Crate Training

Together, I can teach you the benefits of crate training. While more than just a bed, let me train you on how this “dog cave” will benefit you both and provide a comfortable, relaxing home within your home.